crime and deviance - sociology aqa

This class was created by Brainscape user khulud aidarus. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

The Social Construction of Crime and Deviance
Social construction of crime newburn,
Social construction of crime what...,
Social construction of crime context
11  cards
Functionalist durkheim,
Functionalist functions of crime ...,
Functionalist strain theory
13  cards
Control Theory
Control theory,
Control theory social bonds,
Control theory criticisms
3  cards
Marxist and Neo-Marxist
Marxist what is the driving force...,
Marxist criminogenic,
Marxist definition of crime is co...
6  cards
Labelling Theory
Labelling theory focuses on,
Labelling theory becker,
Labelling theory official statistics
14  cards
Feminist Theories
Feminist malestream sociology,
Feminist why are females invisible,
Feminist why women are less devia...
4  cards
Realist Theories
Left realism why did left realism...,
Left realism deprived people areas,
Left realism relative deprivation
15  cards
Green/Environmental Crime
Green environmental crime definit...,
Green environmental crime transgr...,
Green environmental crime bhopal
14  cards
Human Rights and State Crimes
State crimes,
State crimes problems defining,
State crimes transgressive approach
12  cards
Media and Social Construction of Crime and Deviance
Media crime as consumer spectacle,
Media crime as consumer market,
Media news
15  cards
Globalisation and Crime
Globalisation deterritorialisation,
Globalisation the international i...,
Globalisation human trafficking
16  cards
The Criminal Justice System
Cjs role of cjs deterrence,
Cjs role of cjs public protection,
Cjs role of cjs retribution
9  cards
Surveillance foucalt,
Surveillance what has contemporar...,
Surveillance what makes life less...
4  cards
Role of Punishment in Crime Control & Prevention
Punishment changing form,
Punishment postmodernist foucalt,
Punishment marxist rushce kiroheimer
12  cards
The Victims of Crime
Victims victimology,
Victims customers of cjs,
Victims social construction of vi...
24  cards
Crime Statistics
Crime statistics purpose of offic...,
Crime statistics sources,
Crime statistics social construct...
16  cards
Ethnicity and Crime
Ethnicity neo marxist black crime...,
Ethnicity neo marxist black crime...,
Ethnicity criticism of neo marxism
17  cards
Social Class and Crime
Social class white collar crime,
Social class examples of white co...,
Social class corporate crime
18  cards
Gender and Crime
Gender crime gender gap,
Gender less detectable offences,
Gender sex role theory females
24  cards
Theoretical Approach & Social Policies for Crime Control & Prevention
Crime control prevention left rea...,
Crime control prevention left rea...,
Crime control prevention left rea...
22  cards
Postmodernist Theories
Postmodernist social construction,
Postmodernist what does crime den...,
Postmodernist a transgressive app...
8  cards

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crime and deviance - sociology aqa

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