This class was created by Brainscape user Ailsa Morris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Cranial Nerves
How would you test cni in a patient,
How would you test cnii in a patient,
How would you test cniii iv and v...
58  cards
Shoulder Exam
What shoulder movements does the ...,
What shoulder movements does the ...,
What shoulder movements does the ...
16  cards
Upper Limb Neuro Exam
What does the acronym swift stand...,
If pronator dirft is present what...,
What type of lesion is spasticity...
33  cards
Pregnant Abdomen Exam
What are the symptoms that could ...,
What are the signs that could pot...,
How is pre eclampsia managed befo...
7  cards
What screening questions should b...,
What could a high stepping gait i...,
What could tenderness on an mcp o...
9  cards
What is the typical progression o...,
What symptoms can dka present with,
What are the major risk factors f...
19  cards
In mitral stenosis what is the ty...,
Where is the murmur in mitral ste...,
What is the most common cause of ...
13  cards
Knee Exam
What could a popliteal swelling i...,
What could patellar tenderness in...,
What could patellar tendon tender...
11  cards
Cerebellar Exam
What abnormalities of gait may be...,
Which area of the cerebellum does...,
In the rombergs test what does fa...
14  cards
Lower Limb Neuro
What gait is broad based and unst...,
If an ataxic gait is due to senso...,
If an ataxic gait is due to cereb...
24  cards
What is the first step in managin...,
What has the uk resus council sai...,
What should be included in a gene...
21  cards
Ear Examination
What tuning fork is used to perfo...,
In webers test how does sensorine...,
In webers test how does conductiv...
7  cards
What can cause airway compromise ...,
If the airway is compromised what...,
What does tachypnoea indicate in ...
13  cards
What does mona t stand for,
What dose of morphine is typicall...,
What should always be given along...
14  cards
Acute asthma
What can cause airway compromise ...,
What signs would be associated wi...,
What might be heard when ausculta...
16  cards

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