This class was created by Brainscape user Iquwuw Wkkw. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Orbit And Osteology
What are the two main parts of th...,
What is the function of the orbits,
What do the orbits contain
54  cards
Visual Pathways/magnoceluarl And Parvocellular Pathways
What are the 7 parts of the visua...,
What visual defects would you exp...,
What are retrochiasmal lesions
65  cards
Cornea, lens and virteous
What is the function of the eye,
What structure is behind the cornea,
What structure lies behind the an...
73  cards
lids and conjuctiva
What are the functions of the eye...,
What is the top part of the eyeli...,
What is the palperbal sulci
70  cards
lacrimation and tear film
What is the lacrimal apparatus,
What structure secreates tear flu...,
What structures include the lacri...
66  cards
extraocular muslces
What are horizontal eye movements,
What are vertical eye movements,
What are rotational pivitol movem...
53  cards
Extraocular muscles - function and testing
What is the medial rectus innerva...,
What is the inferior rectus inner...,
What is the lateral rectus innerv...
45  cards
Blood supply to the eye and the brain
Which blood vessel carries blood ...,
Which blood vessel carries blood ...,
What are the parts of the aorta
76  cards
Aqueous humour and IOP
What is aqeuous humour,
What is aqeuous humour secreated by,
What is aqeuous humour made from
63  cards
General mcqs
Which bones make up the medial wa...,
What nerves pass through the supe...,
Which nerves that travel within t...
85  cards
Embryology of the eye
Describe embryology from the begi...,
Describe the formation of the bil...,
Describe the trilaminar disc
54  cards
What does the retina fo,
Where does light travel to once i...,
Where is the inner retina located
116  cards
What is electrophysiology,
Name a example of a electrophysio...,
What is a eeg
28  cards
dark adaptation
What is dark adaptation,
Describe the structure of photore...,
What are the types of photopsin i...
36  cards

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