Part 4 of Summer Assessment Essay Flashcards


Part 4


( )The appearance is also isolating because the head phones in their ears hint that they just want to listen to music. While headphones are on it is hard to get a good conversation going. These electronics are isolating them and causing their verbal communication skills to hinder.

Not only are teenagers not paying attention during class; they are also taking the “text language” into their real writing assignments. 38% of adolescents say that they have used text shortcuts in schoolwork such as “LOL” (which stands for “laugh out loud”). Abbreviations and slang created for texting does not follow proper English grammar. Since teenagers are constantly texting, they subconsciously use this language in schoolwork. The texting language is limiting their vocabulary and written communication skills.

Although technology advancements are improving the world, teens need to be careful to avoid the negative consequences. Teens need to avoid addiction to electronics and isolation from family and friends. Instead, teenagers and young adults should engage in verbal conversation more frequently. To avoid electronic distractions, teenagers must follow school rules and laws. ( )

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