Part 3 of Summer Assessment Essay Flashcards


Part 3


Everyday an average teenager spends up to 8 hours on electronic devices, which is more than 56 hours in one week. How much is too much? Technology is advancing every minute of everyday. New, phones, computers and other electronic devices are improving and outshining last year’s inventions. Teenagers are obsessing over having the newest and best phone, computer or iPod. Since teenagers are using technology devices everyday, they are beginning to isolate themselves from family and friends while limiting their communications skills. Technology is continuing to advance; however it is consequently affecting teenagers.

Teenagers are becoming addicted to technology, making them isolated from the real world. Teens mostly communicate through texting, online chatting or Facebook . Teenagers have stopped picking up the phone to call a friend or family member. Without verbal communication skills, what will happen to the future generations? Not only are cell phones and computers negatively isolating teens, iPods are too. About 86% of teens own an iPod or MP3 player. iPod and MP3 players also isolate teens by putting them into their own world instead of communicating with others. ( )

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