Part 2 of Summer Assessment Essay Flashcards


Part 2


What is even more frightening is that the Apple iPhone 5 didn’t pass the FCC exposure guidelines for body worn operation if positioned less than 15mm (5/8 inches) from the body (e.g. When carrying a phone in your pocket). This can lead to cancer. European scientists recently did a test with non-ionising microwave radiation emitted from phones and found out that it changes and damages the brain and damages sperm. The mobiles also release erratic microwave radiation that can disrupt DNA, weaken the brain’s protective barrier, and release highly reactive and damaging free radicals.

Social Impacts

The presence of a mobile phone while two or more people are talking face-to-face can generate negative feelings toward the person who his or her device visible. In two studies conducted at the university of Essex in the United Kingdom, researchers studied the effects of a mobile device during a nose-to-nose conversation. In the first study, 37 pairs of strangers were asked to spend 10 minutes talking to each other about an interesting event that happened in their lives within the past month. Half of the participants were seated in a secluded area with a mobile device on a desk nearby whereas the other half remained without a mobile. The results showed that those with a phone were perceived less positive than those without one. In conclusion mobile phones affect your physical, mental and social life, is it really worth it …

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